6th IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis – WEMDCD 2023
13th – 14th April 2023 Newcastle upon Tyne, England

General Co-chairs:
Dr Rafal Wrobel, Principal Research Associate, School of Engineering, Newcastle University and Member of the APC Electric Machines Spoke.
Professor Barrie Mecrow, Professor of Electrical Power, School of Engineering, Newcastle University and Director of the Advanced Propulsion Centre Electric Machines Spoke.
Warm Welcome
The IEEE-IES Industrial Electronics Society and IEEE-IAS sponsored WEMDCD is a well-regarded event, which brings together experts and enthusiasts of electrical machines and drives from around the world to discuss the latest technological developments. Previous editions of WEMDCD organised in Paris (2013), Turin (2015), Nottingham (2017), Athens (2019) and Modena (2021) received a great interest from the academic, research and industrial community. We hope that the next WEMDCD, Newcastle (2023) will be an excellent continuation of previous editions of the workshop.
Newcastle is located in the North East of England. Newcastle was famous for its shipbuilding and heavy engineering which were central to the city’s prosperity; and the city was a powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution. Newcastle’s development as a major city owed most to its central role in the production and export of coal. The phrase “taking coals to Newcastle” was first recorded in 1538; it proverbially denotes bringing a particular commodity to a place that has more than enough of it already! Newcastle’s innovators include, George Stephenson who designed the Rocket steam locomotive, the first locomotive to bring together several innovations to produce the most advanced locomotive of its day and Joseph Swan who demonstrated a working electric light. Newcastle is now famous for its manufacturing of cars, electric machines and automotive systems. The North East has become the home to one of the Driving the Electric Revolution Industrialisation Centres (DER-IC) which is a UK-wide Government project to accelerate delivery of Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) solutions for global market.
This conference will offer an excellent opportunity to meet other experts in this field of research and network with industry and academia. Newcastle has it’s own International airport and the venues are only a 20 minute drive from the airport.
We are proud to be hosting the WEMDCD 2023 so we can extend our legendary Geordie friendliness and welcome you to Newcastle. With Newcastle’s passion of engineering, manufacturing and historic landscapes, this is truly the right setting to host the WEMDCD 2023 conference.